Tutor Interview – James Dean Diamond
James Dean Diamond; a superstar name to match his superstar status as one of Frui’s professional photographers and tutors! Based in the South-East, James teaches for Frui in Brighton and London. We asked him some questions to see what floats his photography boat…
How did you get into photography?
My father was an avid photographer, and used his Canon A1 to shoot landscapes, skyscapes, travel photos and portraits of the family. I was hooked from the age of 11 and bought my first ever camera; a Pentax Auto 1-10 SLR which was the smallest SLR camera available to buy at the time. Since then, a camera has become as essential in everyday life as eating and breathing.
How do you improve your photography?
Practice, practice, practice! I experiment with camera settings when I’m on location and in the studio to find what works and what doesn’t. My inspiration is to be original and communicate what my work is about, conceptually and aesthetically.
What do you love about photography?
Every time I go out with my camera is a new photographic adventure, which I love! Something I come across in the street could be my newest best photo.
Where’s your favourite place to photograph?
Although I’ve travelled a lot for my photography, I would say that the great City of London is my favourite place to photograph, which is handy because it’s right on my doorstep. I like photographing London because it is quite nondescript compared to Paris or New York. Variety is the key to locations, and I feel that London offers so many stories and subjects.
You’ve just completed your Masters Degree, tell us about it?
It was intense but I learnt a lot about my art practice and gave me an in-depth look into why I make art as opposed to just how and what. My dissertation focussed on the function of abstraction and blurring in Gerhard Richter’s work which I found profoundly influential on my own work.
Thanks James!
I was at college with James in the 80s and would love to hear from him.
Comment by Paul Martin — April 7, 2015 @ 5:06 pm